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St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd, Belfast

P1 pupils join House System (with a little help from P7)

31st Oct 2015
P1 pupils join House System (with a little help from P7)

Pupils in P1 joined our whole school House System.  This system rewards all pupils for good behaviour, manners, being a good friend, wearing uniform with pride, sporting events, music events etc.  Each class teacher awards 5 points each week.  At the end of each term the winning house receives a small treat and the overall house will be awarded a cup which has been sponsored by “Dessies” in Armagh in June. 

The aim of our house system is to teach pupils social responsibility  and to show them how their actions can affect others.  The 5 houses are named after trees which grow around our school grounds/local area.


This year our P7 pupils helped the P1 pupils to personalise their leaf for the house systm tree.  As you can see from the photos all pupils enjoyed the experience.