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St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd, Belfast
School will be closed to all pupils on Friday 3rd May and Monday 6th May.
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Message for May

4th May 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we begin a second month of home school learning I want to pay tribute to the teachers and support staff in St Jarlath’s. Isolation came upon us all very suddenly and I want to thank teachers who have had to get to grip with remote learning very quickly. This has involved learning new online skills, attempting to keep in contact with pupils, preparing home learning packs, finding accessible resources, communicating with parents via email, navigating new apps and all the while managing their own family and health circumstances. At times for us too it has been overwhelming.
I know that some parents are frustrated with the amount of home learning, while others think there is a lack of work. Please remember that as teachers we are trying to cater for everyone remotely. Not every child has the access, time or support that your child may have. Now is a time when we all need patience and understanding and together we will get through this.
I really worry about those pupils for whom we have had no contact and would appeal to all parents to make contact with their child’s teacher, just to let us know how everyone is.
As we enter week 7 of lockdown we pray for a safe and planned exit plan and in the meantime be assured of our support and contact us if you think we can be of help.

Mary Queen of May pray for us.

J Loughran