Access Keys:

St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd, Belfast

Return to school dates

17th Aug 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please find below an outline of return to school dates. These are based on new guidance issued by DENI on Thursday 13th August.

P2 to P6 return one morning of week of  24th August is intended to allow pupils to become familiar with changes in school routines, e.g entrance doors, play areas, arrangements for lunch etc. The teacher your child left in March will take them for this induction morning in order to provide reassurance.

Please find below an outline of return to school dates. These are based on new guidance

issued by DENI on Thursday 13th August.         Note change to P1 dates.

Monday 24th August

Tuesday 25th

Wednesday 26th

Thursday 27th

Friday 28th

P7 all day

P6 , 9 – 12 only




for P1 pupils and

one parent this


P7 all day

P5 , 9 – 12 only

P7 all day

P4 , 9 – 12 only

P7 all day

P3, 9 – 12 only

P7 all day

P2, 9 – 12 only

Monday 31st August

Tuesday 1st

Wednesday 2nd

Thursday 3rd

Friday 4th

School closed for


pupils and staff

P2 to P7 all day


P1 staggered intake

9 – 11:45am

P2 to P7 all day


P1 staggered intake

9 – 11:45am

P2 to P7 all day


P1 staggered intake

9 – 11:45am

P2 to P7 all day


P1 staggered intake

9 – 11:45am

Monday 7th Sept

Tuesday 8th

Wednesday 9th

Thursday 10th

Friday 11th

                                       P1 to P7 full time                (refer to staggered collection times)



                                        Staggered collection times

In order to avoid a lot of children leaving school at the same time the following collection times will apply for the month of September initially.

Parents are asked to abide by these times as they are designed with children and staff safety in mind.



P1 and P2

1:30pm from classroom doors

P3 and all pupils who walk home in P3 – P7

2:00pm from classroom doors

P4 and P6

2:15pm from doors of entry

P5 and P7

2:25pm from doors of entry

Pupils using bus

2:30pm from classrooms

All adults collecting children MUST keep a 2metre distance from others and MUST

not gather in groups inside or outside school grounds.

No adults will be allowed to enter school unless invited/arranged. When entering school building

adults must wear a face mask.



Arrival of pupils in the morning will be monitored to see if a staggered arrival is necessary.

                       These proposals are subject to changes in PHA and DENI guidance